The world''s first "sand battery" comes online in Finland

Polar Night Energy teamed up with Vatajankoski, a Finnish energy provider, to create the cutting edge energy storage system on site at Vatajankoski''s power plant near the city of Kankaanpää. Electricity is stored within sand in the form of heat, which can then be tapped by the city as an eco-friendly means of running their district heating

The First Commercial Sand-based Thermal Energy

Polar Night Energy''s first commercial sand-based high temperature heat storage is now in operation at Vatajankoski power plant area. The heat storage, which has a hundred tons of sand inside, is producing low emission district heating to the city of Kankaanpää in Western Finland.

Hiekka-akku | vatajankoski

Vatajankoski ja Polar Night Energy ovat rakentaneet Kankaanpäähän pilottihankkeena lämpöä varastoivan hiekka-akun. Sen avulla voidaan pienentää teollisuuden energiakustannuksia sekä energian saatavuuteen ja hinnanvaihteluihin liittyviä riskejä. 02 – Miten se toimii.

About Us — Polar Night Energy

The first commercial heat storage is connected to the Vatajankoski''s district heating network in Kankaanpää, Finland. Our pilot plant is connected to the district heating network of the City of Tampere, Finland. The solution can provide stable, affordable, clean energy to New York as well as to the distant villages.

How a sand battery could transform clean energy

The Vatajankoski power plant is home to the world''s first commercial-scale sand battery. Fully enclosed in a 7m (23ft)-high steel container, the battery consists of 100 tonnes of low-grade

Vatajankoski Power Plant

Vatajankoski Power Plant is a thermal power plant in Finland. In July 2022, the power station installed a sand battery developed by Polar Night Energy, a Finland-based company. It has a rated capacity of 100 kW of heating power and 8 MWh of energy capacity. The power plant distributes heat through its district

Media — Polar Night Energy

Press Coverage 2022. Polar Night Energy''s ''sand battery'' went viral in 2022. Here''s a small list of some of the stories from around the world in no particular order: In English. BBC: Climate change: ''Sand battery'' could solve green energy''s big problem. BBC Future: How a sand battery could transform clean energy.

Climate change: ''Sand battery'' could solve green energy''s big

The device has been installed in the Vatajankoski power plant which runs the district heating system for the area. Low-cost electricity warms the sand up to 500C by resistive heating (the same

A Tiny Town Is Betting on a Sand Battery to Heat Homes. It Could Revolutionize Energy.

Polar Night Energy introduced the first commercial sand battery in 2022, with local energy utility Vatajankoski. "Its main purpose is to work as a high-power and high-capacity reservoir for

Kankaanpään hiekka-akku on vuoden innovaatio – keksintö toi

Vatajankoski Oy:n ja Polar Night Energy Oy:n yhteistyössä toteuttamaa hiekka-akkua käytetään Kankaanpäässä osana paikallista kaukolämpöverkkoa. Polar Night Energy aloitti hiekka-akun teknologian kehittämisen 2010-luvulla ja

References — Polar Night Energy

Polar Night Energy constructed and operates the first commercial sand-based heat storage in the World for Vatajankoski. The storage provides heat for district heating network in Kankaanpää, Finland, with 100 kW heating power and 8 MWh capacity. Vatajankoski uses the heat provided by the storage to prime the waste heat recovered from their

Sand Battery

Vatajankoski and Polar Night Energy have built a heat-storing sand battery in Kankaanpää as a pilot project. It can be used to reduce industrial energy costs and risks related to energy availability and price fluctuations.

"Polar Night Energy": Finnisches Start-up nimmt Wärmebatterie

"Polar Night Energy": Finnisches Start-up nimmt Wärmebatterie aus Sand in Betrieb. Überschussenergie im Sommer wird zur Erzeugung von Wärme genutzt, die in den langen Wintern verwendet wird. 11. Dabei arbeitet man mit dem Energieanbieter Vatajankoski sowie den lokalen Behörden zusammen.

Finowie zbudowali akumulator piaskowy, który może

Akumulator piaskowy Polar Night Energy na terenie elektrowni Vatajankoski w Finlandii (materiały prasowe Polar Night Energy) Vatajankoski to elektrownia oparta na paliwach drewnopochodnych.

The first Commercial Sand-based Thermal Energy Storage in the

Polar Night Energy''s first commercial sand-based high-temperature heat storage is now in operation at the Vatajankoski power plant area. The heat storage, which has a hundred tons of sand inside, is producing low emission district heating to the city of Kankaanpää in Western Finland. BBC made a story about Polar Night Energy''s heat

La première batterie à sable du monde stocke le surplus

C''est pourquoi, en Finlande, Vatajankoski — une nouvelle société d''énergie — et Polar Night Energy mettent en œuvre le stockage thermique des énergies renouvelables. Les deux sociétés ont conclu un accord pour la construction et l''exploitation d''un stockage thermique basé sur la technologie brevetée de Polar Night Energy.

Sand-based system for seasonal storage comes

Finnish utility Vatajankoski and Finland-based startup Polar Night Energy have switched on a sand-based high-temperature heat storage system that will provide district heating to the western

Sand-based heat storage — News — Polar Night Energy

Vatajankoski and Polar Night Energy have signed an agreement to construct a sand-based heat storage with 100 kW heating power and 8 MWh capacity. It will provide heat for Vatajankoski''s district heating network in Kankaanpää, Finland. See below in

Vatajankoski Time Squaren valotaululla

Vatajankoski ja Polar Night Energy palkittiin NASDAQ Helsingin Pörssitalolla tiistaina 31.10., missä voittajat pääsivät avaamaan pörssipäivän soittamalla pörssin avauskelloa. Lisäksi yrityksiä onniteltiin New Yorkin Times Squaren valotaululla.

Technology — Polar Night Energy

We have designed and built our first commercial sand-based thermal energy storage for Vatajankoski, an energy utility based in Western Finland. This innovative system provides heat for Vatajankoski''s district heating network in Kankaanpää, Finland. The Sand Battery has 100 kW heating power and 8 MWh capacity.

Polar Night Energy: Heißer Sand für erneuerbare Fernwärme

In Finnland ist jetzt der erste kommerzielle Wärmespeicher auf Basis von heißem Sand in Betrieb gegangen. Die Technologie bietet eine große Chance, Fernwärme erneuerbar zu machen – und das nicht nur in Skandinavien, sondern auch in Deutschland. Der Wärmespeicher von Vatajankoski und Polar Night Energy hat eine Heizleistung

The world''s first "sand battery" goes live

Polar Night Energy teamed up with Vatajankoski, a Finnish energy provider, to create the cutting edge energy storage system on site at Vatajankoski''s power plant near the city of Kankaanpää. Electricity is stored within sand in the form of heat, which can then be tapped by the city as an eco-friendly means of running their district heating

Hiekka voi olla uusi mahdollisuus varastoida energiaa

Vatajankoski on etsinyt uusia vaihtoehtoja energiatuotantoon jo aiemminkin, Ylösen mukaan Polar Night Energy käy neuvotteluja vastaavista järjestelmistä kaikilla mantereilla. – Lämmön käyttö ja varastointi liittyy teollisuuden tarpeisiin myös lämpimissä maissa, Ylönen sanoo.

Vatajankoski ''Sand Battery'' Inaugurated — Polar Night Energy

The world''s first commercial sand-based energy storage system, or "sand battery," has officially been inaugurated in Vatajankoski, Kankaanpää on January 20th, 2023. Developed by Polar Night Energy, the sand-battery''s test phase began in May 2022 and it was put into actual use about a month later, in June-July.

sand battery — News — Polar Night Energy

Polar Night Energy on tamperelainen startup-yritys, joka suunnittelee ja valmistaa korkean lämpötilan energiavarastoja tuuli- ja aurinkoenergialle. The world''s first commercial sand-based energy storage system, or "sand battery," has officially been inaugurated in Vatajankoski, Kankaanpää on January 20th, 2023.

Vatajankoski — News — Polar Night Energy

Vatajankoski, an energy utility based in Western Finland, and Polar Night Energy have agreed to start constructing and operating a sand-based high temperature heat storage based on Polar Night Energy''s patented technology.

Solutions — Polar Night Energy

Polar Night Energy heat storages can be connected to most heat transfer systems and are compatible with heat pumps. The system can produce hot water for water-circulating systems, or hot air and process steam for

Polar Night Energy

Polar Night Energy - Seasonal heat storage in district heating and industrial applications. The energy revolution is here.

Polar Night Energy''s ''Sand Battery'' Went Viral

Our first installation of the ''sand battery'' really made the news. It all started when BBC News published an in-depth article and video about our heat storages, mainly about our first commercial sand-based heat storage in Vatajankoski''s power plant area in Kankaanpää, Finland and our pilot in Tampere, Finland.

Vatajankosken Sähkö and Polar Night Energy Are Planning to

Vatajankosken Sähkö and Polar Night Energy have signed a preliminary agreement to construct a sand-based heat storage with 100 kW heating power and 8 MWh capacity. It would provide heat for Vatajankoski''s district heating network in