Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) explained: What it is and how it works

Vehicle-to-grid technology – also referred to as ''V2G'' – is the process of feeding the energy stored in an electric vehicle''s (EV) battery back into the National Grid. Why bother? To help boost the Grid''s energy supply at times of peak demand.

Can Power Grids Cope With Millions of EVs?

Vehicle-to-grid (V2G), which allows an EV to serve as a storage device to smooth out grid loads, may be another solution, but for most utilities in the United States, this is a long-term option.

Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G): Everything you need to know

Vehicle-to-grid, or V2G for short, is a technology that enables energy to be pushed back to the power grid from the battery of an electric vehicle (EV). With V2G technology, an EV battery can be discharged based on different signals – such as energy production or consumption nearby.

What Is Vehicle-to-Grid for Electric Vehicles?

Vehicle-to-grid, or V2G, technology is smart charging tech that allows car batteries to give back to the power grid. In essence, it treats these high-capacity batteries as not only tools to power EVs but backup storage cells for the electrical grid.

Executive summary – Grid Integration of Electric Vehicles

It provides key recommendations in four main areas: the readiness of institutions, impact assessment of EV charging, design of operational measures to integrate EVs as an energy resource, and power system planning. Summary of policy recommendations to integrate EV charging into the grid.


Vehicle-to-grid (V2G) describes a system in which plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) sell demand response services to the grid. Demand services are either delivering electricity to the grid or reducing the rate of charge from the grid.

EVGrid Assist: Accelerating the Transition | Department of Energy

EVGrid Assist will provide technical assistance and inform research and development on vehicle-grid integration (VGI) to facilitate decision-making in support of the rapid deployment of electric vehicles and the associated charging.

Electric Vehicle Grid Integration | Transportation and

Identify grid impacts of EV charging and develop new smart control solutions. Ultimately, these R&D approaches reduce barriers associated with deploying charging systems at scale, support the integration of intermittent energy sources, reduce the cost of charging, and improve grid resilience.

Electric Vehicles 101: V2G Charging & The Grid

Vehicle to Grid (V2G) is a charging technology that allows the flow of energy from the car battery back to the grid — from the vehicle to the grid.

V2G Explained

Vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology allows an electric vehicle (EV) to send power into the electricity grid using a bidirectional (two-way) charger controlled via a remote management system. Some vehicles with V2G can also be used to supply backup power.