The Future We Want

Without access to sustainable energy services, other development goals cannot be achieved. Energy directly impacts on people, communities and countries in terms of economic growth,

Global progress on affordable and clean energy must be

Urgent reinforced action and more investment, particularly in least developed countries and is needed to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 7 on energy by 2030.

Sustainable Energy Development

Sustainable energy development involves the harnessing of energy resources for human use in a manner that supports lasting development. This article begins with a review of sustainable development itself before describing its application to energy.

Clean energy can fuel the future — and make the world healthier

The 2030 targets laid out by the United Nations for the seventh Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 7) are clear enough: provide affordable access to energy; expand use of renewable sources;

Sustainable Energy Hub | United Nations Development Programme

The UNDP Sustainable Energy Hub is a network of partners that work alongside countries to build net-zero, people-centered societies driven by a just, sustainable energy transition.

Energy is at the heart of the sustainable development agenda to 2030

Energy is at the heart of many of these Sustainable Development Goals – from expanding access to electricity, to improving clean cooking fuels, from reducing wasteful energy subsidies to curbing deadly air pollution that each year prematurely kills millions around the world.

Press Release | Progress on basic energy access reverses for

Stefan Schweinfest, Director, United Nations Statistics Division: "Sustainable Development Goal 7 has been a guiding star in the mobilization of efforts to provide affordable and clean energy to

Towards a Sustainable Energy Future – Analysis

The manner in which we produce and consume energy is of crucial importance to sustainable development, as energy has deep relationships with each of its three dimensions -- the economy, the environment and social welfare.

Energy Transition | United Nations Development Programme

Annual energy-related CO2 emissions need to decline 70% below today''s levels by 2050 to set the world on a pathway toward meeting the climate goals. Renewables, energy efficiency and substantial electrification can provide over 90% of the necessary reduction.

Energy Overview: Development news, research, data | World Bank

Energy efficiency and renewable energy can mitigate climate change and ensure energy reliability and security. The World Bank is one of the largest financiers of renewable energy and energy efficiency projects in low- and middle-income countries.