In focus: Renewable hydrogen to decarbonise the EU''s energy system

The European Clean Hydrogen Alliance, which supports the large-scale deployment of clean hydrogen technologies by 2030, presented at the end of 2021 a pipeline of over 750 projects from all parts of the hydrogen value chain, including application in industry, transport, energy systems and buildings. Many of these projects are set to

Hydrogen Production and Infrastructure Projects Database

A worldwide database of hydrogen projects. The IEA produced these datasets as part of efforts to track advances in low-emissions hydrogen technology. The Hydrogen Production Projects Database covers all projects commissioned worldwide since 2000 to produce hydrogen for energy or climate change-mitigation purposes.

Renewable hydrogen production: new rules formally adopted

They will provide regulatory certainty to investors as the EU aims to reach 10 million tonnes of domestic renewable hydrogen production and 10 million tonnes of imported renewable hydrogen by 2030 in line with the REPowerEU Plan. EU Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson said: " Today, the Delegated Acts on Renewable Hydrogen

Hydrogen in North-Western Europe – Analysis

The north-western European region 1 is well placed to lead hydrogen adoption as a clean energy vector. Today, this region concentrates around 5% of global hydrogen demand and 60% of European demand. Moreover, the region is home to the largest industrial ports in Europe, where much of this hydrogen demand is located, and presents a well

The European hydrogen market landscape

hydrogen production via SMR in Europe increased to 6.38 €/kg H 2. Additionally, the production costs of hydrogen in Europe for 2022, utilizing grid electricity, averaged 9.85 €/kg H 2. Hydrogen production costs through electrolysis with a direct connection to a renewable energy source had an average estimated cost of 6.86

Homepage | European Hydrogen Observatory

Welcome to the European Hydrogen Observatory (EHO), the leading source of data on hydrogen and your go-to platform for accurate, up-to-date information. Explore the basic concepts, latest trends, and role of hydrogen in the energy transition. Discover current and future projects that aim to develop and scale hydrogen production

Hydrogen in Europe: Different Countries, Different approaches

EWI and the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies (OIES) compared six countries. European countries approach the market ramp-up of hydrogen very differently. In some cases, the economic and political starting points differ significantly. While the probability is high that some countries, such as Germany or Italy, will import hydrogen in

Offshore Hydrogen Production on a New Scale: HOPE Project

Brussels (Belgium) – 27 June 2023 – The HOPE (Hydrogen Offshore Production for Europe) project consortium has signed a €20 million grant agreement with the European Commission. This followed the positive evaluation of the proposal submitted by the partners in response to the call for proposals issued by the Clean Hydrogen Partnership, co


European Union: in January 2023, the EU Clean Hydrogen Partnership opened a EUR 195 million call for proposals to support projects for renewable hydrogen production, storage and distribution solutions, and to stimulate the use

2024 State of the European Hydrogen Market Report

growth of the nascent low-carbon hydrogen market. Europe has been at the forefront of setting such targets with the adoption of the EU hydrogen strategy in 2020, which set a target to deploy 6 gigawat. s (GW) of electrolysers by 2024 and 40GW by 2030.The EU''s REPowerEU plan to phase out Russian natu.

H2 Infrastructure Map Europe

The interactive map includes hydrogen infrastructure projects and shows the development of projects up to 2050. The projects are split into 6 categories including transmission pipelines, distribution pipelines, terminals and ports,

Towards greater hydrogen production capacity in Europe

The ATR plant would have a hydrogen reforming capacity of up to 800,000 Nm³/h (2.7 GW), of which 600,000 Nm³/h of hydrogen (2.1 GW) for Thyssenkrupp Steel Europe and 200,000 Nm³/h to be provided to


The priority is the production and use of renewable hydrogen. However, in the short- to medium-term other forms of low-carbon hydrogen are needed. The Commission set up the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance in July 2020 to support the creation of a European hydrogen industry and the deployment of clean hydrogen for Europe''s green

Environmental and climate impacts of a large-scale deployment of

The transition to a low-carbon energy system is creating challenges in a multitude of areas. In terms of the current European energy mix, renewable energy, taking 41% of total EU energy production, was the largest contributing source to primary energy production in the EU in 2021, followed by nuclear energy (31%), solid fuels (18%), natural gas (6%) and

Homepage | European Hydrogen Observatory

Welcome to the European Hydrogen Observatory (EHO), the leading source of data on hydrogen and your go-to platform for accurate, up-to-date information.

Global Hydrogen Review 2022 – Analysis

The Global Hydrogen Review is an annual publication by the International Energy Agency that tracks hydrogen production and demand worldwide, as well as progress in critical areas such as infrastructure development, trade, policy, regulation, investments and innovation.. The report is an output of the Clean Energy Ministerial

Hydrogen generation in Europe

The European Commission published its hydrogen strategy for a climate-neutral Europe on the 8th July 2020. This strategy brings different strands of policy acti The report covers the full value chain, from the production of renewable electricity as the energy source for renewable hydrogen production to the investment needs in industrial

Hydrogen generation in Europe

The European Commission published its hydrogen strategy for a climate-neutral Europe on the 8th July 2020. This strategy brings different strands of policy action together, covering the entire value chain, as well as the industrial, market and infrastructure angles together with the research and innovation perspective and the international

Executive summary – Global Hydrogen Review 2022 – Analysis

Hydrogen demand reached 94 million tonnes (Mt) in 2021, recovering to above pre-pandemic levels (91 Mt in 2019), and containing energy equal to about 2.5% of global final energy consumption. Most of the increase came from traditional uses in refining and industry, though demand for new applications grew to about 40 thousand tonnes (up

Cost and competitiveness of green hydrogen and the effects of the

Industry players condemn the regulations as overly strict, anticipating an inevitable production cost increase that could compromise the competitiveness of European green hydrogen and inhibit a

The European hydrogen market landscape

hydrogen in Europe (EU27, EFTA and the UK), providing a full overview of the hydrogen market and the deployment of clean hydrogen technologies. As of the end of 2022, a

Global Energy Perspective 2023: Hydrogen outlook | McKinsey

The Global Energy Perspective 2023 models the outlook for demand and supply of energy commodities across a 1.5°C pathway, aligned with the Paris Agreement, and four bottom-up energy transition scenarios. These energy transition scenarios examine outcomes ranging from warming of 1.6°C to 2.9°C by 2100 (scenario descriptions

The Hydrogen Stream: Europe''s largest green hydrogen project

Production for the HyDeal project is planned to start in 2025; the total installed capacity is expected to reach 9.5 GW of solar power and 7.4 GW of electrolyzers by 2030. Elsewhere in the world

The European hydrogen economy – taking stock and looking

hydrogen production and 40 GW of installed electrolyzer capacity by 2030. Deloitte''s tailor-made hydrogen dash-board visualizes the announced and projected supply and demand of hydro-gen in Europe and breaks it down by technology, end-use sector, geography, and energy source. In this report, we describe the major.

Renewable hydrogen production: new rules formally adopted

While initial electricity demand for hydrogen production will be negligible, it will increase towards 2030 with the mass rollout of large-scale electrolysers. The new

Hydrogen generation in Europe

product of industrial processes (by-product hydrogen; 21% of total production capacity), or produced centrally and delivered to points of demand (merchant hydrogen; 15% of total production capacity).4 As of now, 95% of EU hydrogen production is done via steam methane reforming (SMR) and to a lower extent

Top 100 Green Hydrogen Projects in Europe | Connecting Green

1 · Unlock the Potential of Green Hydrogen in Europe with our comprehensive White Paper. Discover the European Union''s strides in promoting renewable hydrogen production through 795 green hydrogen projects utilizing electrolysis technology. This exclusive report, generated by CGHE, provides a comprehensive overview of the top 100

Hydrogen Production | European Hydrogen Observatory

Get latest insights into hydrogen production capacity and production output by technology in Europe (EU27, United Kingdom, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and

Commission outlines European Hydrogen Bank to boost renewable

Commission outlines European Hydrogen Bank to boost renewable hydrogen. Today, the Commission has set out new plans to stimulate and support investment in sustainable hydrogen production through a European Hydrogen Bank (EHB). Hydrogen can make a major contribution to the EU''s ambitions to end imports of

2024 State of the European Hydrogen Market Report

In this report, we define low-carbon hydrogen as hydrogen, regardless of production process, with a significantly lower carbon footprint than traditional fossil fuel derived hydrogen. The underlying and most important observation is that at this time, the driver